Here are the Girls in my life.....even the dumb ol' cat in the first picture!
11 December 2008
18 November 2008
New Truck!
Here are some photos of the new vehicle Susan and I were blessed enough to get yesterday: A 2007 Toyota Tacoma. My lofty goal is to drive it for 15 years, Lord willing..that would be Andrew's Freshman Fall Semester, and I would have just turned 49...Let's see if it will last that long!
05 November 2008
Halloween Shots
No explaination needed, except to say that my family was easily the cutest at the church trunk or treat; as for myself, "creepy" is a word that Susan used when describing my 'get-up'.....

Birthday Family Shots
The Tuesday before the election, I had my 34th birthday. I took the opportunity to take a number of family shots...A great birthday, the first with my little baby daughter. What a fun and blessed day.

Anderson Farms, 10-25-08
The same day that Susan took her "Nobel Peace Prize Worthy" artistic sunset photos : Earlier that day we went out to Anderson Farms with Nanny. I didn't get a lot of photos, but here are the ones I did get. There were barrel rides, hay-bail mazes, goats, chickens, pumpkins, and cows.
27 October 2008
Susan's Sunset
Susan is quite the 'artistic' photographer - she took these from a parking garage - Ansel Adams don't have nuthin' on my wife with a digital camera!!!!

Georgetown Loop 10-04-08
Some photos from our trip up to Georgetown (Oct. 4) to ride the old railway; We got there while the Aspens were still gold; a cold trip but lots of fun, Andrew was especially excited - as you can see in the last photo by the end of the trip he had a new 'prize' in tow-
25 September 2008
Ballpark Adventure, 9-12-08
Here are some shots from the Ballpark a couple of weeks ago. Andrew is a big fan of the trains, the food, the music at the park (he dances and claps), and can last for all of two innings until he needs to go hang out at the play area in left field. Sadly, he wasn't to thrilled with the Rockies Mascot. Michaela took it okay, except for the noise of the crowd would scare her abit. All in all, a fun night!
28 August 2008
Ok, this is my first attempt to post a blog. I don't know why I haven't tried before. Actually I do know why...I think too much about what I want to say! So I usually just leave it up to Mark since he has no trouble at all!! Well, I can't help but post the video you are about to see. I am so proud to have such a sweet little boy who loves his baby sister. Enjoy!!
12 August 2008
Long overdue
Somehow Susan--being by far the most photogenic of the two of us--has managed to steer clear of the camera recently, especially on this blog. So I caught her last night at the kid's bedtime and snapped the following:+01.JPG)
And last but not least, a picture of my two 'gals':
Our Kids with Visitors
Over the last month Andrew and Michaela have had quite a few visitors; Nanny and Paw Paw, Uncle Matt, Aunt Stephanie, Skyler, Hunter, Audrey, and let's not forget Aunt Emily (even though we sadly have no photograph of the occasion.) Here are some random shots of our kids hanging out with family:
At lunch with Nanny and Paw Paw:
Andrew's new play-buddy, Skyler:
Michaela enjoying Uncle Matt's company:
Michaela and Nanny spending quality time:
Andrew and Paw Paw spending quality time:

At lunch with Nanny and Paw Paw:
Michaela enjoying Uncle Matt's company:
Michaela and Nanny spending quality time:
22 July 2008
More Kids At Bedtime
I've been a little busy, so I am behind on the posts. I'll try to do some more the rest of this week and get caught up. Today was Michaela's 4 month old birthday, and her doc's check up was perfect - she is no longer a 'tall' baby but she is increasingly more and more happy. She only squeals when something scares her. Otherwise she is all smiles when not sucking her left thumb or sleeping.
Andrew is being a good big brother; he has such a big heart and is so gung-ho about his little baby sister; as evidence below.

Andrew is being a good big brother; he has such a big heart and is so gung-ho about his little baby sister; as evidence below.
18 June 2008
Father's Day 2008
What a wonderful Father's Day, my first with Michaela, fourth with Andrew. My face says it all; I'm a proud dang papa! Had a wonderful, easy-going day after the 'morning rush' of class and preaching. And my present? Susan was gonna get me a new 'wah-wah' pedal because mine seems to be on its last leg; however, I am convinced I can fix it with a new part and some silicone grease compound on the rocking gear. So instead, Susan decided that, although my chest and back are getting pretty toned, she still finds my 'guns' (biceps) pretty pathetic(!) - so I am now the proud owner of "The Perfect Pullup", which I plan on installing in the doorway in my office that leads to the baptistry! I use the "Perfect Pushup" pretty much every day in my office; Now I will get a complete upper body workout in the comfort of my own office! (Note: putting exercise equipment in my office has been genius; I never forget to do push ups, and its a great way to get energized during the day when I get droopy! Try it!)
What a blessing from God that I am fortunate enough to see another Father's Day, this time with another little child; what a wonderful wife and kids God has given me ; "How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord."
Happy Michaela
Michaela photos below; also remember she will be three months old in three days. See above for some neat Father's Day Shots that I am quite proud of.

Andrew's new fortress and the big box...
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