21 February 2008

Thursday School Firemen

Just a few photos of Andrew hanging out with a few of his Thursday School buddies; Anthony is the kid in the middle, Nate is on the right. I may have to get Andrew a Fireman Hat of his own!

Hope everyone is doing well

14 February 2008

Pregnancy Shot, 33(?) weeks

Here we are, what, around 33 weeks? Compare this shot to the one from 3 weeks ago below; This photo was taken yesterday, on Susan's birthday. Notice the little person that started to get in the shot on the bottom right !

Thank you all for your prayers, continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and a safe (and easy) delivery....(Mark can't handle hospitals and delivery rooms too well!) ;-)

Mommy's Lil' Valentine '08

Happy Valentines Everyone!

Susan's Birthday!

Thanks everyone for the gifts, they were all wonderful, thanks for making the day special.

Susan's birthday has now come and gone: I can rest easy until Christmas! Here are a few photos from the event - I think the clothes and blanket will be keepers; the new 'window treatments' I attempted to get her for the dining room....well, they shouldn't get to comfortable at our house just yet! ;-(

Hope all is well with everyone!