I am now, finally, after 7 years, a former student of the ACU Graduate School of Theology; Listed twice in the program (2 degrees, remember), and I got my own "special" categories to myself. Here's proof that I have finally been "freed":

And here are my official graduation pictures - I am wearing my "Master's Hood" ($30 I'll never see again), my cap from my UNT Graduation (1999), and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt just for good measure.

Oh, and that thing I'm holding is my "graduation present", a Fender Deluxe Roadhouse Stratocaster. (My wife is officially the coolest on the planet.) The guitar just came at lunchtime, and I was able to play it a bit - it sounds soooooooo much different than my Les Paul - it will take awhile to get some settings where I want them, but I can already tell it has an incredible 'clean' sound, much brighter, cleaner, and 'punchier' than my Les Paul - which is the major reason I always hoped to get a second guitar - they both do very different sounds very well.

Needless to say I am a little overwhelmed right now -